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An Expansion On Specialist Groups

#1 {lang:macro__useroffline}   Ryl {lang:icon}

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Posted 02 May 2003 - 07:07 PM

Ive noticed the Specialist groups are there in SeeD, and there are Specialist leaders, but they do not seem to play any significant roles. A lot of this we already have (like a lot of it is already in the market forum).
Basically each Specialist Group has a forum, much like each Garden has a forum. If anyone needs help in that particular area, they post on that forum- such as 'where is the best place to mine?' on the mining forum. Also if anyone needs items from that particular skill, they post on that forum. If you need free fish, post on the fishing forum. Each forum would be lead by the specialist leader (eg, Baseballl- herblore forum). On the topic of Specialist Leaders, there could be votes for who could be the Specialist Leaders from now on, a few skills do not have leaders, and a few more have in-active leaders. This would give the Specialist Leaders a better role as actually being in that position, rather than just the title on their profile.

Also the Specialist Groups could work closer to each other group, ie the fishing group providing fish to the cooking group, who then sell. They then give some of the profit to the fishing group, and the rest to the clan treasurey (do we have one of those?). The treasurey then divides the money amongst the raw material groups (eg, mining, fishing, woodcut).

Each group could have events for that group, if this is possible within that skill. For example, the mining leader takes the mining group to one of the best mines, the ore collected is sold (or given to smith), then Gp is shared out amongst the participants, also a bit is given to ppl who need help (have been haked etc).


  • Forum per Specialist Group, Leader Host Forum, all help to that skill go there, Each forum has a specialist member list, so everyone knows who they can go too (rather than spending hours on the full member list).
  • Work out the specialist leaders once again (a lot are inactive, a couple of groups have no leader).
  • Specialist Groups working together; Fishing ----fish---> Cooking ----GP----> Treasury ----GP----> Fishing
  • Each group has specialist events (if possible for that group).
  • Specific help and services for certain skills is easier to get to, wont need to post on market forum, just look at specialist forum to see who is doing what is needed.
  • Gives a reason to be in a certain specialist group, at the moment there doesnt seem to be a reason to be in any groups, since they do nothing.

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#2 {lang:macro__useroffline}   Dragonman {lang:icon}

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Posted 02 May 2003 - 11:42 PM

This is a good idea, since the specialist groups haven't been that big in SeeD. I could help Specialist Leaders come up with events for the skills, so that every specialist group gets a chance to have fun. grnwink.gif Now if anyone has trouble with a skill (as in raising it high), they can talk about it and ask for help in the forum for that skill. Also, all SeeDs should be able to get help from specialist groups even if they're not in them, so that they can work up on that skill so that they're high in enough in that certain skill to join the specialist group.
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#3 {lang:macro__useroffline}   Baseballl {lang:icon}

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Posted 03 May 2003 - 12:19 AM

great idea!! specialist group havent really had an impact on Seed. i have seen some instances where specialists groups were in use, but it wasn't anything to brag about, lol.

specialists groups could even take stress off of Cspace. I also think we should have a Seed Specialists Group, where the leader and the specialists can help new members with the forums and homepage grnwink.gif

#4 {lang:macro__useroffline}   X Zolon {lang:icon}

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Posted 03 May 2003 - 06:04 AM

Basically ignore the top part of the quote if you don't need any work. the rest is what is relevant. the bolded part. and from tehn on.
Alright. looking for employment? sign up here. its not a have to be here sort of thing. it's little odd jobs that will allow us to gain money. the more jobs you do, the higher your pay. i wouldn't be surprised if my employees earned more money than me  thats ok, i have my own jobs  anyway, this is how it works.

Missions: Basically quests to earn points. you get paid by the quest giver, which is me, right now at least

Points: you do jobs you earn points. when you feel youve done enough work for a level, you ask for a level up. Points are based on difficulty.

from ow on all members brought into my workforce start as errand boys/girls. here is a rank list.

President (me)
Vice president
Assistant President
Specialist(see below)
High Sage
Grand Merchant
Private trader

Specialist works like a guild. basically if you want to be a specialist in anything, you must prove your worth. to do so, you would need to do quests based on what skill you want. Specialists serve as the head of that skill if they are grandmaster, and any quests to gain rank are chosen by them however, they must filter through me before a quest is given, or posted here.

and here are the ranks.

Check the bolded part. basically this is my shop ranking ting. i decided that if there are enough members, might as well turn it into medieval guild system. there are a few masters, one grandmaster, then all people who want to become masters must start at novice. when they prove themselves worthy, they are moved to apprentice. there they follow an assigned master, and learn more about the skill. then at journeyman, they perform duties of 3 or more masters, and prove themselves as masters. once master, you are... a master! YAY! SO THEN, you are able to be voted by other masters to be grandmaster. there is only one grandmaster. they decide who gets assigned to who, what does what where, and who shot who in the what now. they also deal with ejections. if a member is abusing their power (somehow, it'll be thought of)they can kick them off. then there is the Secretmaster Rank (off of morrowind) the secret master is cspace. was cspace, will be cspace, can be cspace, and is cspace. did i mention it was cspace? not you. ok, its established. now back to the idea. to be a grandmaster, you could be the worst in the skill lol... you just need to have the knowledge of the skill, and the respect of all teh masters. although, it would help to have a little experience in the skill. i believe it summed it up. ok. i think im done. or not. bluetongue.gif bored yet? ok, continuing. most masters would probably have a home base. for magic, or herblaw, youd probably have a tower. a woodcutters home is a perticular forest. this enchances the efect of being a journeyman. you need to JOURNEY so, for a mage, youd need to get soem runes for a mage. then they would train with you for 5 minutes. then theyed say their tired and the journeyman could go find another master. (note: the tired is in Real life, as in they need to go.)

Now for some life in the day ofs.

a life in the day of a novice.
I decided to join up with the fletching specialist group. im a novice. The Grandmaster said i need to do some quests. i need to go and get a knife, and an axe.

i got my stuff. my first quest is to cut out 300 arrow shafts. i went to the forest, and cut down 30 logs. cut into 300 shafts. my nextquest was to get my hands on 300 feathers. i thought, "ill get them on my own" but after 200 feathers, i got bored and bought some from the fishhing shop. then i needed 300 bronze arrowheads. i got the proper ores and made 30 bronze bars. i then made 300 arrow heads. tada! i finished 300 bronz arrows! i was happy.

A life in the day of Apprentice.
I just got promoted to Apprentice in the Maging Specialist guild. I'm apprenticing with (example: doesnt or might not reflect skills) Whitefire909. he told me i needed many runes. i told him i prepared and he said good. i gave him 500 mind runes but he said i have to keep half. I gave him half my air runes and he said i shouldve gotten staves. I asked about staves, and he said you can buy them in varrock. so i learned about staves that day. after much practicing, my master told me to go talk to grandmaster Dragonman565 about journeyman. so i did. and i got promoted.

A life in the day of a Journeyman.
after speaking to Grandmaster Baseballl about Herblaw Journeyman rank, he said to go speak with master Hyperfried and Master Grand One. So i did. they told me that they would be happy to have me work for them. They also said that Master X Zolon might be a third mastr to speak to. i spoke to him, and he said sure. so i went from the moastery to the mages tower to varrock castle. i did soem quests for X Zolon and he tought me many things. he was nice and gave me many herbs (grnwink.gif) and i learned many things. after he logged off, i went to varrock to meet Master Grand One, who asked if i had heared the news. i said no, and he told me X Zolon was removed for a few days due to mixing too many newt eyes in his attack potions. (if it was up to you, the whole brew would be newt eyes grnwink.gif) i did some quests and learend newt eyes taste funny. then i went ot master hyperfried, who as busy mixing insanity spam potions grnwink.gif. he told me X zolon had been reinstated and he said to talk to him. i went back to X Zolon and he said that he thought i was ready to be a master. He also said that he needed more newt eyes. i sorta walked backwards till i fell in the cage with the lesser demon, and X ZOlon grabbed me out. i spole with the grandmaster and he said i need teh opinion of 3 masters. i said talk to hyper, zolon, and Grand. he said he didnt have time. so i got the masters to coem out of their holes and speak with the grandmaster and Baseballl said that if i was good enough to get 3 masters out of their studies, i had to be worthy. i was then a master.

A day in the life of a master
i was newly promoted to master. my first job was to find a location where i could have a home and live near a mining site. i found a nice little FAlador house. after many days of minign gold, i decided i new enough about mining to be a grandmaster. so i spoke to the Grandmaster, Superchao. he said he liked being Grandmaster, and he said if i could get the consent of all the masters, then i would be the new Grandmaster. so i went to a couple Masters. they all proved easy as they all trusted me. but then i came upon... *scary music* Serpentfight. *not so scarey music* he said that he knew more about minign than i ever could. i said you may believe that, and if you give your constent for me to be grandmaster, then ill give you the chance to prove that. he said he wouldnt let me. he applyed but failed and couldnt apply for another 3 months. i said ill give you another cahnce. he said no. i said fine. well settle this like warriors. i challenged him to a fist duel. after losing half health, he retreated. i said you are wise, i wouldve retreated then too. i was near half. he said i had defeated him, and he said he would give me consent. i talked to GM superchao and he said you are worthy, though i shouldnt have any fights. a knowledge challenge would have suited fine. he said next time they vote, sthe would put in his vote for me. his vote was worth 5 PEOPLE. i was voted in.

A day in the life of a grandmaster
ugh.. this'll be short. as am i.

I just became grandmaster of the smithing guild. i was suddenly faced with loads of work. first, about 10 people had joined. so i told them their quests. done. from my falador tower home, i sat and thought about a few things. i gave some recomendations to buddiong journeymen and found out i had to pay for a shipment of mithril ore and coal from the mining guild. i paid for it and circulated the ores around. i was paid for the ores by masters. i think i made about 60 gp profit. i didnt need any profit. training my masters was reward enough. i signed a deal with the mages guild and they said theyd superheat our ore when we ran outta coal.

life in the day of a secret master.....
can't sleep, clown'll eat me. can't sleep, clown'll eat me. can't sleep, clown'll eat me. can't sleep, clown'll eat me. can't sleep, clown'll eat me. can't sleep, clown'll eat me. theyer all against me.. ahahahahaha!

(the previous DITLO was a portion of X Zolon's brain. it fell out his ear and got stepped on, kicked and ran over by a 4 tonne truck.)

so, i think my idea is pretty developed. what do you guys think?

#5 {lang:macro__useroffline}   X Zolon {lang:icon}

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Posted 03 May 2003 - 06:17 AM

wow i spent 50 mis typing that. im slow. anyway, i have no idea what specialists i would join. i think fishing and herblaw. or smithing and herblaw.

#6 {lang:macro__useroffline}   Ryl {lang:icon}

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Posted 03 May 2003 - 10:47 AM

Im mainly focusing on the Specialist Bit of the list here, not really sure about the employment bit for now;

The whole quest idea sounds great, it gives something for players to work toward. It gets boring doing skills with no real objective (and if you're told what to do sometimes it's easier, lol).
There could also be tasks like, ''can you mine 50 coal in an hour?'' For the ''novices'' If you can you get a skill point in that area. The higher you are in the specialist skill list, the harder the mini-quests get. Such as ''can you mine 400 iron, and bank it, in an hour?'' (yes, it is possible, just).
This looks like it could get VERY complicated, but if we can get it to work, it could be great biglaugh.gif
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#7 {lang:macro__useroffline}   X Zolon {lang:icon}

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Posted 03 May 2003 - 04:19 PM

yes, i full heartedly agree. and those are exactly thye kinds of quests i meant. and i told you to ignore the employment thing TheSmile.gif anyway, for grandmaster, if they got bored, they could always resign. then there would be a vote. here is a couple paragraphs on how the guilds affect eachother.

The fishing guild would earn fish, and deliver shipments to the cooking guild, pking guild or fighting guilds. To do that, they cert all the fish. then they deliver their certs to the grandmaster. the grandmaster meets the other grandmaster and they decide on payment. then the grandmaster distributes the certs and tada! a shipment made.

the fighting guild would offer protection to any who need it. they also do little off jobs for other guilds.

the mining guild would mine ore for the use of smithers. then they get a shipment ready, give it to the smithers, and their granmaster distributes it. i will go through distributing after this last example. the smithers make armor, which is taken to pker and fighters, and they pay for a shipment.

Distributing: first, it starts with the shipment. say that the mining specialists get a shipment of 300 coal certs. they ship this to the smithing guild for 300k. then the granmaster of the smithing clan would say that they got a shipment of coal. then, at a meeting, they all bid for coal. this produces 350k.
perfect. they wait for another shipment. now, lets say, the grandmaster has no money. the miners would give him the coal, however all the cash earned by the bidding is sent to the miners. if thats not enough, then either the miners can say, yuo dont need to pay,or they can request all the smithers armor to pay.

this is quite complicated, although if made a reality, it will be bliss.


#8 {lang:macro__useroffline}   X Zolon {lang:icon}

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Posted 03 May 2003 - 09:43 PM

wow, ater i post in a topic nobosy else does. Sheesh.. i feel unwanted sad.gif

#9 {lang:macro__useroffline}   Phieta {lang:icon}

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Posted 04 May 2003 - 04:15 AM

I love these ideas. After all, the whole point of specialty groups is to do that, right? I also like X Zolon's quest/ guild idea, it would increase roleplaying, create a chain-of-command based on knowledge and not ability (even the weakest underling can have the leadership skills and knowledge of his/ her field needed to lead), and serve the purpose of actually creating the groups in the first place - all while being fun and enjoyable, and helping to break the monotony that RS creates after awhile.

And you're not unwanted. *Gets everyone to yell "We love you X Zolon" grnwink.gif

This post has been edited by phieta27: 04 May 2003 - 04:15 AM

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#10 {lang:macro__useroffline}   X Zolon {lang:icon}

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Posted 04 May 2003 - 06:19 AM

lol yay... *cricket chirps* even the crickets are cheering! ahh... uhm... *steps on cricket* oops...

yeah, the whole point is to turn RS into a medieval guild ridden society. and there is a person outside the character, and id love to Roleplay as a leader of magic.. say i was a master and i was teaching a novice...

Well, Novice, magic is a great creation. since saradomin has prayer, and Zamorak has fighting, guthix must hold the key to magic. magic is a very unstable art, not for the faint of heart. it takes discipline to form the powers to cast certain spells. you will learn much about magic with me, i will answer any questions.

(novice) WHere do runes come from?

(zolon) um... well, did i ever tell you how i was kicked out of teh herblaw guild for mixing too many newt eyes?

(methinx jagex should come out with inscription)

#11 {lang:macro__useroffline}   X Zolon {lang:icon}

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Posted 04 May 2003 - 07:59 PM

hey, guys? we need more input on this. start posting here on your feelings of this!

#12 {lang:macro__useroffline}   Grand one {lang:icon}

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Posted 05 May 2003 - 02:32 PM

I really like these ideas mainly because i love ranking systems, I love roleplaying and being a master would be cool grnwink.gif

as for suggestions to the suggestion id say it was almost perfect i was an apprentice to someone once but he quit rs sad.gif.

Comments:Wouldnt this interfere with the activity of gardens?
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<td style="filter:dropshadow(color=black, strength=1)"><font color=white><marquee style="color: FFFFFFF" scrollamount=1 width=351 height=80 direction=up><center>
<B>DarkStorm Character Information</B>

Character Name: Saric
Class: Wizard
Race: Halfling
Hometown: Aderon <br>

<B>Character Stats:</B>
Total Stat Points: 26 (5 added by item)
Strength: 6
Intelligence: 15 (10 without bonus for staff)
Hit Points: 10

Staff of Saric:
Saric has owned this halfling made staff since he first trained to be a wizard, it has great sentimental value as well as magical worth.
Affects: +5 to intelligence<br>

Optional: Saric has been adventuring for many years now, he was originally a village mage but changed his course to adventuring after 2 years of this.<br>

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#13 {lang:macro__useroffline}   X Zolon {lang:icon}

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Posted 05 May 2003 - 11:37 PM

i doubt it. most of us are happy to be roleplaying, however something might arrise if garden members stick together and begin forming political parties thumb.gif bluetongue.gif screama.gif spit.gif eek7.gif

#14 {lang:macro__useroffline}   CongressJon {lang:icon}

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Posted 06 May 2003 - 12:17 AM

I love this. This idea could totally revolutionize the way SeeD works! (For better or worse, I am not sure.) Even though, I have to say that this would really put a bit more organization in SeeD. We're a clan that has members who are nice and always willing to help each other right? Right now, it's a bit shaky on the helping part- not everyone knows who to ask and when and etc.

This idea would really create a knoledge base for all to view and use with the best tools we have-US! This will create ties with other parts of the clan too- the Market, General Discussion, Runescape Help, etc.

Nice one everyone thumb.gif I really hope to see this in the future.
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#15 {lang:macro__useroffline}   Darkness {lang:icon}

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Posted 11 May 2003 - 02:31 AM

QUOTE (X Zolon @ May 3 2003, 04:19 PM)

now, lets say, the grandmaster has no money. the miners would give him the coal, however all the cash earned by the bidding is sent to the miners.

instead of sending 100% of the bidding money to the miners shouldn't the people who sold it get like 25% and the miners get 75%.

This post has been edited by Darkness 22: 11 May 2003 - 02:36 AM

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