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Your character's classes determine many of his or her abilities. Just note that the fighter classes are intended to be improvised, while the arcane classes are intended to be more ability-centered. Based on the current power of the Storm, choose the classes that seem to be the most fun to roleplay.

Fighter Classes

Myrmidon: A warrior with a relentless fighting style. Most myrmidons prefer to dual-wield weapons, though some prefer two-handed weapons. Even though myrmidons tend to wear heavy armor, they rely on offensive capabilities to defeat their enemies in battle.

Phalanxeer: A warrior with a focus on defense. Most phalanxeers prefer a one-handed weapon and a shield, though a few have been known to use heavy two-handed weapons (especially halberds and claymores). Phalanxeers almost always wear the heaviest armor they can manage.

Gladiator: A versatile class of fighter that can use a variety of equipment. Gladiators win battles by exploiting the weaknesses of their enemies. They are tough and have stronger innate vitality than most other kinds of fighters, and even if greatly injured, can continue to fight with determination.

Praetorian: An intelligent class of fighter that typically wears heavy armor and is capable with a variety of weapons. A praetorian's specialty is using one's surroundings to gain an advantage in close combat, using creativity and intuition to win tough battles. Praetorians also make good leaders in difficult situations.

Aivada-Ke Artist: A martial artist who specializes in weapons. Most Aivada-Ke artists wear light armor, and many prefer to use a one-handed weapon with no shield. They rely on their precision for executing their fast and deadly attacks, and heavy equipment just gets in the way.

Monk: A martial artist who specializes in unarmed combat. Monks wear light armor and do not wield weapons, but are extremely fast and agile in combat. They specialize in fast attacks that are very difficult to block.

Scion: A fighter who weaves the forces of nature into one's attacks. Scions are good with a variety of armor and weapons, but their arcane power is what sets them apart from the other fighters. A scion can infuse weapons with arcane power during battle.

Rider: A fighter who specializes in mounted combat. Riders use their increased height and speed to their advantage, and in some cases will command their mount to attack as well. Most riders use heavy armor, though some prefer light armor to provide increased speed and mobility for the mount (usually for mounts that can fly). Typical weapons for riders are spears, lances, swords, and axes.

Scout Classes

Wayfarer: A traveler, often without a destination, who has many survival abilities for a wide variety of situations. Most wayfarers are driven by the desire for adventure, and will seek ancient relics as well as other treasures scattered throughout the world.

Archer: One who specializes in bows. An archer is deadly at a range, but lacks abilities for when the battle gets closer. Most archers assist friends or military forces, and are desired for their ability to inflict damage from a distance. Many are surprised that, due to their precision, many archers can cause more damage with arrows than most can with typical guns.

Ranger: A ranger is a very capable fighter with scouting capabilities. Rangers are great with bows, guns, and a wide range of melee weapons (especially two-handed weapons). They wear leather armor, but rely on agility to defend against attacks. Rangers can also travel through the wilderness without being seen.

Shaman: One who specializes in a knowledge of plants. A shaman can make and use healing potions, as well as poisons and other useful items. They can easily support groups in the wilderness, and are desired by many who plan to spend a lot of time outside of civilization.

Beast Handler: One who has a very wide understanding of animals and how to communicate with them. Beast handlers rely on their animal companions, and their companions also rely on them. In battle, a beast handler can be very dangerous if his or her companions are well-trained.

Rogue: One who specializes in stealth and thievery in town environments. Often wearing common clothes and a hidden dagger, a rogue can strike when one least expects it.

Assassin: A dangerous fighter who uses surprise and agility to quickly defeat enemies. Assassins generally wear light equipment, and prefer bladed weapons and small guns that can be concealed until they are needed.

Falconer: One who trains birds to assist in scouting, hunting, and battle. Falconers are also capable of fighting on their own, but they rely more on their avian companions as they provide a unique advantage in difficult situations.

Arcane Classes

Elementalist: One who can summon and control elementals. These elementals can be very powerful, though are often specialized and have weaknesses depending on one's element. Their will is dominated by the elementalist, so they will do whatever the elementalist commands without asking questions.

Convoker: One who can summon and control avatars. These beings are not as powerful as elementals, but are usually more versatile. A convoker must reason with his or her minions, however, because they have their own will and are not dominated by the one who summons them.

Auranok: An auranok is one who specializes in conjuring and maintaining arcane nodes. These nodes can alter the state of things around them, causing the same effects for everyone who is near.

Arcanist: One who can wield the power of the cosmos is often called an arcanist. Using this power, an arcanist can cause a great amount of damage with cosmic forces, and can also manipulate the Storm to alter the affinity of those who are near. The most powerful arcanists can also manipulate the flow of time, reversing the progression of battles, and even using paradoxes as attacks.

Affinitor: Like arcanists, affinitors have a fundamental understanding of the cosmos. Their specialty is making connections in space for translocation. They can move objects, confuse enemies, and even exist in two places at once. Affinitors can also travel very quickly through the portals they can stabilize, but stable portals can only be made to certain regions such as riftlands.

Warden: Controlling the forces of storms, wardens can potentially be very powerful. An experienced warden can even alter the weather for an entire region. The main weakness that wardens have is that most of their abilities are only effective outdoors. The great power of their abilities, however, make up for this disadvantage.

Geomancer: One who can control the forces of water, tectonics, and ice. Geomancers are like wardens in that many of their abilities are useless in confined locations, but they are very powerful outdoors. The most experienced of geomancers can even alter local geologic features to provide an advantage in battle.

Telepath: One who has a strong will and is capable of affecting the minds of others. A powerful telepath can even alter the physical state of things with his or her mind, which is particularly dangerous because these powers are almost entirely independent of the Storm.

Druid: A master of nature. Druids specialize in assuming the forms of beasts and using their characteristics to succeed in a variety of situations. They are also capable of calling to the forces of nature, both to help allies as well as to harm enemies.

Seer: One with an unnatural sense of time and space. A seer is often able to see events before they happen, and take advantage of this sense in a number of creative ways.

Illusionist: One who specializes in deception and confusion. Nothing is certain when an illusionist is near.

Kavartik - One who specializes in strange archaic powers. A kavartik is a scholar of ancient arcana, and while most of their abilities are not exessively powerful, most cannot be countered by any known means.

Light Classes (Arcane)

Arbiter: Using a fighting style developed by the Arbiters' Order, an arbiter is a skilled combatant who specializes in fighting against the forces of darkness. Some arbiters wear heavy armor, though most wear lighter protection such as cloaks. Typical weapons include swords, axes, halberds, and staves. Arbiters specialize in bringing their enemies back to a more honorable path, and also in turning enemies' dark powers against them.

Paladin: Similar to arbiters, paladins are knights who specialize in fighting darkness. They tend to wear heavy armor, and generally prefer to use swords, axes, hammers, and spears. Paladins specialize in wielding the power of light and weaving it into their attacks.

Wizard: One who wields the concentrated power of light. Wizards specialize in infusing others with light, as well as performing dark conversions that damage enemies. Some wizards also understand the forces of storms, fire, water, and tectonics, but they aren't nearly as powerful with them as wardens or geomancers.

Savant: The best healers are savants. They can provide regenerative healing, direct healing, and the purging of sickness. They are also capable of reversing a state of undeath, putting the undead back to rest.

Exorcist: Those who specialize in banishing spirits are exorcists. They have abilities to fight spirit minions, as well as abilities to free allies from possession and madness. Like savants, exorcists are also highly capable of fighting the undead. They do it by freeing one's spirit from its corpse, and removing its master's control over it. A skilled exorcist can convert an enemy undead into a spirit ally.

Enchanter: One who specializes in enchantments and the purging of curses. Enchanters can provide beneficial effects for their allies, and these can be very powerful. They are also the only ones who can easily remove curses. A skilled enchanter can potentially affect an entire region.

Dark Classes (Arcane)

Revenant: The hate-driven legionaires of the night are known as revenants. They sometimes wear heavy armor, but more frequently they just wear cloaks for protection. They usually prefer cruel weapons such as spiked swords and serrated axes. Revenants specialize in inciting hatred in their enemies, draining will from them while executing relentless attacks.

Shadow Hunter: The knights who infuse themselves with darkness are known as shadow hunters. Wearing heavy armor and wielding a variety of weapons, shadow hunters use their dark power to overwhelm their enemies while strengthening their allies. They also have limited necromantic power that allows them to absorb their enemies' vitality, and at times summon dark beings as minions.

Warlock/Witch: One who wields the concentrated power of darkness. Warlocks can infuse others with darkness, and can cause damage to enemies by performing light conversions. Some warlocks and witches can also wield the power of the cosmos and the Storm, but they are not as powerful with these abilities as an arcanist would be.

Specter: As a master of curses and destroyer of enchantments, specters can greatly weaken their enemies. Specters are the only ones who can actually curse enemies, and in most cases are the only ones who can effectively bring an end to enchantments. A powerful specter can even affect an entire region.

Necromancer: Necromancers are the masters of death and dark minions. Their summoned allies are very strong, and a necromancer's abilities can strengthen them and drain the vitality of their enemies.

Demonicist: An enslaver of souls. Demonicists can summon spirit minions and enslave the minds of their enemies. Their possession skills can allow the demonicist to coerce actions from their enemies, effectively allowing the use of their arcane abilities (though requiring great concentration and being easily interrupted).

Poltergeist: Those who focus on invoking madness and fear are known as poltergeists. They can introduce chaos into enemies' minds, causing them to lose focus and even accidentally harm themselves and their allies. Poltergeists are also capable of boosting the capabilities of the undead, for madness in their minds will only increase their strength and focus by increasing the influence of their masters.

Technological Classes

Gunfighter: A gunfighter specializes in ranged combat. A gunfighter can be a dangerous adversary from any range, and with any type of gun. Alone, a gunfighter is highly capable of winning battles. One can also have a support role, providing covering fire and even acting as a sniper from a very long range.

Sentinel: A sentinel specializes in close-range combat. Often wearing advanced armor with other light equipment, a sentinel can use technology to win battles. The weapon of choice for a sentinel is often a heavy two-handed weapon, though some are also known to dual-wield lighter weapons.

Zaeadon: A powerful soldier who knows how to use vulantir-infused technology. Since a vulantir is a resonator of arcana, a zaeadon must have affinity in order to be an effective combatant. This makes zaeadon to be a rare class, and one that is often considered superior to all other soldiers.

Coder: One who writes and modifies programs. A coder can purge viruses, enhance systems, and program bots that can exist on various computers and networks. Bots can conflict with each other, in which case one's AI will attempt to purge the other. This would be like a kind of battle between minions.

Hacker: One who specializes in damaging computer systems and networks. Hackers can access protected data, introduce different behavior for programs, and code viruses that can be installed and provide creative status effects on computers.

Squad Leader: No group wants to go into battle without a leader. A squad leader is one who can lead others, and can organize their attacks for the greatest impact. A good squad leader wins a battle before it begins.

Interfacer: One who can remotely connect to computer systems and satellites, and control the military programs that are locked for anyone without an interfacer's experience. Some examples of these systems include communication networks, positioning satellites, and artillery satellites.

Bridge Commander: Bridge commanders are trained to command entire fleets, and to perform large-scale military operations in space.

Enforcer Classes

Lawman: One who specializes in stopping bandits and brigands from harming innocent people. Backed by the law of one's own town, kingdom, or empire, a lawman will not stop as long as enemies are within reach.

Operative: An operative is one who specializes in accomplishing difficult missions, often involving assassinations and other precise attacks. They rely on stealth to succeed in almost every situation, but when attacked an operative knows how to fight at close range.

Guardian: Often protecting people, buildings, or even towns, a guardian is a strong defensive fighter. Being the last line of defense during important defensive battles, a lot always rests on the guardian's abilities.

Infiltrator: In the battle against the scum of society, someone has to do the dirty work. An infiltrator is that person. He or she specializes in the gathering of information, or at times when an operative cannot succeed, carry out attacks against the enemy. To succeed, an infiltrator must fool others into thinking that he or she is a desperado.

Underworld Classes

Desperado: A bandit who can work alone or in groups, and specializes in smuggling and various other illegal activities. While desperados are potentially dangerous, they usually do not intend to harm anyone. Regardless of this, a desperado's speed with a gun makes him or her a threat to anyone.

Pirate: At sea, in the air, and in space, pirates are always a threat. They specialize in capturing ships, salvaging cargo, finding treasure, and when the time comes... Pillaging! They also tend to install illegal weapons and equipment on their ships, so they should never be underestimated.

Bounty Hunter: A bounty hunter makes a living by eliminating other people's enemies. They specialize in trapping, dirty fighting, and always taking the first shot. It's never anything personal, just a paycheck.

Mercenary: One who is an independent soldier who fights for the highest bidder. Mercenaries are highly trained and dangerous adversaries, and should never be underestimated.

Entertainer Classes

Troubadour: One who specializes in storytelling through song. Troubadours always lift the spirits of their allies, inspiring them while improving their will and focus. A skilled troubadour can weave songs together, further increasing their effect.

Coronach: A coronach specializes in depressing songs that reduce the will of their enemies to fight. A skilled troubadour can weave songs together for a greater effect.

Dancer: A dancer is one who inspires allies with his or her dances. The effect is not as great as that of a troubadour, but a skilled dancer is more capable of fighting while performing at the same time.

Actor: One who has the ability to effectively feign personalities. Good actors can easily change their faction alignment, at least from others' perspectives. A great actor can pretend to be an entirely different class, even performing some of their basic abilities (but without the strength of the real thing).

Trade Classes

Blacksmith: One who works metal into weapons, armor, and tools.

Jeweller: One who works rare metals and stones into jewelry.

Cook: One who is particularly good with making food.

Brewer: One who is particularly good with making drinks.

Angler: One who has mastered the trade of fishing.

Woodworker: One who works with wood to create various useful items.

Leatherworker: One who works with leather to create various useful items.

Alchemist: One who works with chemicals and other reagents to create various useful items.

Shipwright: One who is specialized in building wooden ships and airships.

Scholar: One who writes tomes and studies history.

Archaeologist: One who can easily locate hidden relics.

Glassworker: One who specializes in working glass into useful items.

Hunter: One who specializes in hunting game animals.

Pioneer: One who builds structures in the wilderness, usually for defense in dangerous territory.

Software Engineer: One who programs software and network systems.

Explosives Engineer: One who builds explosive devices and ammunition.

Weapon Engineer: One who creates technological weapons.

Electronics Engineer: One who creates various electronic devices and computer hardware.

Robot Engineer: One who builds robots and many of their components.

Starship Engineer: One who builds parts for starships and other similar vehicles.

Satellite Engineer: One who builds and launches satellites.

and Age of Arcana are both created by Cspace (

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